Over the past couple of weeks, I have had some fantastic blessings!! No, I didn't come into a great fortune or anything. I mean, just awesome little things. For example, a woman in the operating room (where I work on Wednesdays) came to me with an wonderful comment on how happy the staff are that I came to work for Dr. Habal and how much smoother things run when I work with him. I didn't really even know what to say, it was just such a blessing to know that I wasn't working "in vain", to know that I was appreciated. Another patient gave me my first Thank You card at this job, another one requested to see me before she left the office (b/c we had talked on the phone several times to help alleviate her fears). I wanted to blog about the blessings, but then I didn't, I didn't want anyone to feel I was "bragging". I do struggle with pride quite a bit and I didn't want to come across as conceited. But, it's not conceited, it's humbled. This is the one that finally got me to blog.
I met a girl with many troubles at my last job. (I know this is long, but bear with me, it's worth it). She was a patient who had seen abuse, drug addiction and diseases that were difficult to cope with. She had a boyfriend here, but not many other contacts that didn't do drugs. She and I found common ground in being "mountain girls" and having a love for pinto beans (like our mama's would make). At the time, I had a Bible Study in my house. I invited her one night that we were having beans and corn bread with our dinner. To my surprise, she came. She was anxious, afraid she wouldn't be "accepted" by the other girls, but she was. She was worried she wouldn't know enough to speak up, but her life experiences gave her plenty of ground to stand on. She bounced in and out of my life for a couple of years. Usually I would hear from her when she had done something wrong or was about to do something wrong so that she could "confess" it to someone, and still feel accepted. She never got money from me, or pity. She always got the truth and was told, many times, she needed to straighten up. I saw her at church a couple of times. Both times, she didn't make it through the service. Then, she got high one night and cheated on her boyfriend and became pregnant. She considered abortion. She had a lot of "issues". I talked with her and we discussed how having an abortion, with her history, may leave her with more ghosts in her closet. She already had enough reasons to feel bad about herself and turn to drugs, did she need one more?
I lost contact soon after. I figured I had been too blunt and burned my bridge (many of you know me and know how I can have "tone issues"). I heard she was in the care of an GYN I knew for her pregnancy and that she was getting the medical care she needed. It's been over a year since I have heard from her. Then I got a random phone call last week from a private number. I answered (I thought it was my dad) and low and behold, it was her! I thought, oh Lord, where is she now, what has she gotten into? But let me tell you about blessings. This girl pulled it together. She has been clean since before the baby was born. Yep, she had the baby, a girl, 9 months ago, the day after Robbie and I got married. She and the boyfriend are still together. They just bought some land (actually not far from here) and plan to put a house there. They are getting married. More importantly, she got saved a few months ago at a local church where she attends a Women's Bible Study weekly. The Bible she has is one that I gave her a long time ago. She has been thinking of me and feels she owes so much of where is she is now to me. I was about to interrupt her and tell her it wasn't me, when she did it for me. She said, "Well, I know it was God, but he definitely used you as a vessel." That's all she wanted, just to say, Thank You.
I was so humbled and amazed at God's greatness in that moment. I'm so glad I took the time to answer the phone, even though my dinner was getting cold. I even had tears in my eyes afterwards. That blessing gave me so much HOPE! There are so many people out there I have tried to help before and many times I have felt like there was little hope, why did I bother. They didn't change, then this sweet girl calls me. I've known her at least 3 years. Her battle was a long one before she even got to me.
I was reading a scripture in Ezekiel this morning (34:26), it says, "I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessings." The study note in my Bible says, "Blessing, the power of life promised to God's people through Abraham..." I was struck by the meaning for blessing. "The power of life" and that the power was "promised to God's people". So, of course, I had to chase it. This reference goes back to Genesis 12:1-3, another one of the covenants.
Genesis 12:1-3
1. The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country,
your people and your father's household and
go to the land I will show you.
2 "I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."
I found a lot of hope in these verses. I know so many people on whom I just want to give up sometimes. I see myself become more and more cynical when it comes to them, when the same blessing that has been promised to me, has been promised to them. If they don't know God, then I have been given the "power of life" (blessed) so that I can be used as a "power of life"(blessing) so that they can see the the power and in turn find a relationship with God. Shouldn't the power of life give me Hope, not skepticism? Shouldn't the hope of blessings in my own life steer me to continue to hope for blessings in the lives of those around me?
Thank you Lord for your blessings and the hope I see in my life through them. Thank you for the power of life that saved me from my sins. Thank you that you used me as your power on earth to help someone else see their hope and find their way. Thank you for your greatness. Help others to find their power, give them the strength to stand against their enemies and claim the power of life through your name in their own lives. I have hope Lord for those in my life that don't know you. I have hope they can overcome their issues and find power in your name. Praise you that you can overcome our enemies when we trust in you. Praise your holy and mighty name. Amen.
Leading a Congregation
13 years ago
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