We watched an interesting movie on our Indepence Day. "Hancock" with Will Smith and Jason Bateman. I've been waiting to blog so maybe I won't spoil the movie for people. In this movie, Hancock is a man with super hero powers. As a hero, he has LOADS of potential, but as a man, he doesn't see it. He is gifted beyond human reasoning, but he sees himself as a rotten individual, worthless. He sees himself as a piece of dirt, unworthy of his "calling". A public relations guru, Jason Bateman, is rescued from peril by the talents of Hancock. In return, he helps Hancock to restore his image, at first with "the people" then with himself. With some personal investment (of time, love, resources, kindness) one man helps another change his outlook. He sees his gifts as a purpose, no longer an obligation.
So many people out there are hurting and confused. They see themselves as dirt, dirty, or worthless. They have self-perceived notions of themselves. Some even grounded in lies, others in truth. Many of them don't even see the need to be alive. But God does. We all have a plan and a purpose. A lot of the time, we, as Christians, are the schmucks. We turn our back on people because they are dirty or we know they have a past. Why do we do that? I've done it. Why? Are we afraid of getting hurt? Are we afraid we'll be let down? What is it to US anyway?? Why does it matter what we think!! It only matters what God thinks, so why do we judge? Weren't we once lost in our own sins? How were we any better than them? Just reaching out, being kind, sharing a meal or telling someone, "You're worthwhile" can change their entire life outlook, especially when done consistently.
God reached out for you when you were lost. He loved you, was kind to you, asked you to seek him and follow his ways. The great commission (our "call" or purpose in our walk with God) in Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." It is our duty, as God's chosen, the chosen of Love, to share his love with those around us. This is our act of evangelism and fulfilling his Great Commission: Simple service. A helping hand. A hug. A listening ear. A voice of reason. A word of kindness. A word of hope. A word of love. An offer of salvation. A chance for freedom. A leap of faith. A life changed for eternity. A new world of possibilities. A world of purpose.
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